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A member registered Feb 10, 2021

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I really enjoyed the game, its so well made. I found the base building to be quite easy and interesting with quite a few types of building blocks. The art is simply amazing, especially since I recently got into pixel art, to see the environments like these and the creature and the temples, it was beautiful. And i can't forget to mention the way your light interacts with the ambient lighting, just astonishing animation. The sound design is also quite atmospheric and the creature's screams gave me quite a few scares. Its quite a terrifying experience after the tutorial section and I found myself struggling with going further in and exploring the unknown, but it was quite a similar situation with Subnautica for me. The shadow creature thing is very well made with how it hides in the shadows and leaves the smokey trail behind, making me alerted every time I saw it. The ending was a little confusing though, im not sure if i was teleported up or if its implied that the forcefield got deactivated and i manually went up to the surface?

The bugs I found within the game:

  • When I got out of the temple that has the thing for the A key, I got into the Firefly pretty fast after getting into the water and I, along with the Firefly got teleported to the far right of the room, I couldn't see myself or the sub before going left for a few seconds.
  • You can drop items inside of rooms and they still give off the bubbling effects and float.
  • You can place the Safety Beacon inside of any rooms, including the temples.
  • When holding left click with the Multi-tool you cannot pass through the sides or bottom of the stair block, now I'm not sure if this is a bug, as it can help players get up and down them with ease but it is a bit hard to find so I'm not sure if it is intentional.
  • When breaking one thing like a crafting station or a stair block its easy to break a lot of the wall behind it or even the surrounding blocks and furniture.

Features id personally like in the game would be an option to reverse the way the scrolling thru items works, maybe being able to see items' names when hovering over them and when they're in your inventory, a way to interact with things in the deep room with the key locks without having to exit the sub and thusly take damage. A tad bit of music maybe? Like you would be able to turn it off but i think it would enhance the experience, like in the main safe area as well as the chase sequence at the end. Maybe a way to make it easier to scare off or avoid the creature?

I think this game is rly fun and has a lot of potential, i know you said its finished but id be down to pay for maybe some expanded version with more creatures you can interact, a tad bit more variety in room design, maybe even a few more functional building blocks, and a bigger map with maybe a new biome or two.

I understand that that would take a lot of time, its fine if you don't want to do it and would rather move onto other projects, whatever the case, id like to play more of your games in the future. :)